After mommy's class at the gym, she lets me out of the stroller and play in the gym. I was NOT happy when mommy told me it was time to go and she put me back in the stroller!

After the gym, mommy put me down for a nap. I slept from 11am-12:45pm. After my morning nap, I had a cheese sandwich and fruit for lunch!

After lunch, mommy turned on the radio and we danced in the living room!

Mommy and I had a fun time dancing.

After dancing and playing, I took another nap. My afternoon nap lasted from 4pm-5:30pm. After that nap, I ate dinner. Daddy made me a bowl of carrots and gave me some chicken

I have a little bit of a diaper rash so I get naked time before bed! After naked time, Daddy read me a book while I drank my milk and then mommy and daddy told me goodnight. I was asleep by 9:15! Playing is hard work!