I still cannot believe that Autumn is a year old!
On Febuary 2, 2009 at 6:26pm CT, the most perfect little girl came into our lives. She is now a walking, talking, handful of joy and we couldnt be more happy! She is absolutely perfect (most days) and we cant wait to watch her grow even more in the next year!
We celebrated her birthday with a party on January 30, 2010. We weren't 100% sure we were going to be able to pull it off with the big ice storm that hit 2 days prior, but we did and it was a blast! So many of our friends came out to celebrate the special day with us! We thank YOU ALL!
On Tuesday, February 2, 2010, Autumn had her 1 year well-baby check up. She weighs 21lbs 14oz and is 29.5in long! The Dr says she looks great! We are being referred to an eye Dr to check her eyesight to make sure her birthmark on her face isnt related to that at all. She's happy and healthy. The Dr was impressed when she squealed "hey" when he walked in the room and when she said 'pup pup' when he was talking about the dog. She's so smart :)
Later that night we had another family over for dinner and to celebrate again. Autumn LOVES cake and definitely enjoyed getting it twice in one week!
The following Friday, the 5th, I flew out to Atlanta to pick up our car that we had dropped off 3 weeks prior to be shipped to Korea. My mom met Autumn and I out there. We drove back to Knoxville that night and stayed with my parents for about 5 night before starting our drive back out to Oklahoma. Autumn did really well in the car for the most part. She definitely wont be able to make it 14 hours, 9 hours is about her limit, but I can handle that :)
She is walking all over the place now and is starting to climb all over everything. She pitches fits when she doesnt get what she wants, but just ignore her, and she'll forget all about it! Her top 2 teeth are trying to make their appearance and have been for about a week, but nothing yet. Hopefully soon!
Showing Autumn how to blow out her candle
January 30, 2010
She loves cake!

Trying to share with everyone!