Last time I posted it was 110* outside and Autumn was 18 months old. We've celebrated Labor Day, Halloween, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
It is not 70ish* outside, the leaves are chaning and falling off the trees and Autumn is 21 (almost 22) months old. We also recently (as in back in August) found out that another Baby Smith will be arriving sometime in late April/early May 2011. We are super excited to be expanding our family and for Autumn to be a big sister. Even though she really has no idea how her life is going to change, I know she'll do great and love her new brother/sister.
This pregnancy has been very different for me. With Autumn, I never had nausea, never had any problems, everything went to smooth and great. With this one, I had morning sickness starting at 6 weeks and lasting until 14 weeks. The Dr. prescribed me zofran and it worked wonders! I have horrible sinus headaches (but that comes with living in Oklahoma...), ive had the stomach bug TWICE in the first trimester. We dont know what we're having yet but we ARE finding out this time. Hopefully we can find out sometime in the next 3 weeks or so. I am now 17 weeks and am feeling so much better. I have so much more energy, no nausea and feel like I can keep up with life now!
Other than that, nothing new has happend to us. We are gearing up for the Holidays, traveling, celebrating my sisters college graduation and eating LOTS of good food :)
Ill update pictures over the next few days!